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BlackChip Investments
Crowd Funding the Fun Way
Why BlackChip

"Blue Chip" companies are the most financially sound companies known to weather downturns and provide steady growth for their investors. We, on the other hand, focus on companies in the exempt market which we call "Black Chip" companies. We believe that Black Chip companies have the potential to be the "dark horses" of investments that investors always hope to discover for seeking abnormal returns. Black Chip companies are sometime seed companies that need funding from friends and family, but may very well rise to prominence in a few months' or years' time, particularly after raising equity from the exempt market. Many Blue Chip companies like Google, Microsoft and Starbucks started out small just like the Black Chip companies until savvy investors realized their potential.

Let us know your funding needs and we will help you put together a financing package so that you can get your business off the ground.

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